Start of MK-MT Gas Line Until Management Walk Through (MWT) President Director of Pertamina Gas: An Info
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Presdir Of Pertagas Hendra Jaya & CM KSO-HMP Asep Sutisna Daryatmo at MWT of MK-MT Gas Line |
Indonesia has two state-owned enterprises (BUMN) that commit to the work of the Gas Line ie. Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) and PGN (Perusahaan Gas Negara). Both of these are currently working on two projects namely Muara Karang-Muara Tawar (MK-MT) owned by Pertamina Gas and Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi (MK-MB) owned by PGN. Muara Karang-Muara Tawar gas line project is owned by Pertamina Gas along 30-Kilo metres. MK-MT gas line project started in May 2014 to the present has been more than two years of workmanship. Pertamina Gas entrusted this MK-MT work to Konsorsium of Hutama karya,
Moeladi and Promatcon (KSO-HMP). MK-MT project value amounted to 65.94 million US dollars or Rp 758.3 billion.
Moeladi and Promatcon (KSO-HMP). MK-MT project value amounted to 65.94 million US dollars or Rp 758.3 billion.
KSO-HMP used was diameter pipe 24 '. This MK-MT gas line project will carry gas from Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) in West Java to PLN Muara Tawar and some in
dustries in West Java. According to Hendra Jaya, President Directore of Pertamina Gas that this project as the realization of the acceleration of infrastructure projects Pertamina Gas, to increase gas using as alternative.
dustries in West Java. According to Hendra Jaya, President Directore of Pertamina Gas that this project as the realization of the acceleration of infrastructure projects Pertamina Gas, to increase gas using as alternative.
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CM Pertagas (Joni Warjono) and CM KSO-HMP (Asep SD) at MWT of MK-MT Gas Line |
Although plan of MKMT gas line project is completed in second quarter of 2015, but until now the commissioning project (gas-in) has not been done, because the construction of MK-MT gas line was approximately 85%. MK-MT gas line project apply the concept of open access. Pertagas will get a toll fee of any gas that is distributed by MK-MT gas line suitable with value set by BPH Migas.
Construction of MK-MT gas line will support to energy security and reduce the shortage of gas to consumers industries in West Java. By supply of gas to the Muara Tawar, it will reduce the use of subsidized fuel for PLN, also reduce the burden of revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).
The MK-MT gas line project is increasingly powering of Pertagas in integrating gas line of pipe in Java. Hendra Jaya said that with its running this MK-MT gas line project, Pertagas able to fullfilling of challenge in the future and able to accelerate gas infrastructure achievement in Indonesia.
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MWT of MK-MT Gas Line |
Gas line construction is part of gas infrastructure that is now intensively by Pertagas. In addition Muara Karang-Muara Tawar, Pertagas is now working of pipeline Wunut-Ngoro (16 Km). Porong-Grati (56 Km), Muara Tawar-Tegal Gede (40 Km), Semarang-Gresik (271 Km), Belawan- Kawasan Industri Medan (KIK) - Kawasan Special Industry (CIC) along 132 Km ) and Arun -belawan (350 Km).
One of spot working of MK-MT gas line is HDD Ciliwung Lama-Lodan along 420 meters. This HDD is done by PT Line Inter Cikara sub-cont. PT Line is currently working og rammer 32' and have entered as many as 38 roots of the 70 roots are required. Pull Back HDD will action after Ramming 32 'as much as 2 to 3 times.
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MWT of MK-MT Gas Line situation & discussion |
Pertamina Gas Hendra Jaya and his staffs, Project Manager of KSO-HMP (Dody Dewanto), Construction Manager KSO-HMP (Asep Sutisna Daryatmo) have done MWT (Management Walk Through) or the now term is "blusukan" to all sites of MK-MT gas line project. Meaning of this MWT in order to MK-MT gas line project will soon be finished perfectly. The main objective of this MWT is checking to real addition in the field related to the company's business. MWT is also a means to evaluate the company's operations and strategize about the developmental stages of the project. Including making notes on deficiencies contained in the field, so the company is able to improve and enhance the quality of company operations. Don't forget to read the others articles like Gas Pipe in ths website.
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