Indonesia plan a Giant Project in The Gas Pipeline & Infrastructures
I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja:
Director General of Migas
Gas pipeline
project in Indonesia is a giant project that requires a lot of cost. Indonesia
gas pipeline project needs about 32 trillion USD. It was used to build a gas
pipeline from the gas fields to the gas filling stations and power plants.
In detail,
the cost for the construction of the gas pipeline is 85 billion USD, the cost
of gas fuel stations (gas
station) amounted to 13 billion USD, the cost of
distribution and re-gasification of 8
billion USD, the cost of construction of
gas transmission pipeline of 2.5 billion USD, and the cost processing and
distribution of LPG amounted to 420 million USD. According to
Director General of Oil and Gas (Migas) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja that
Indonesia needs investors to realize infrastructure gas, mini-mills in various
remote locations. Wiratmaja Puja said that the target of 27 kilometers of
infrastructure development up to 2025 is to be achieved. Indonesia currently
has only 12 thousand KM of gas infrastructure.
FSRU in Gas Pipeline |
plans to have six large factories of gas & 10 small factories, 11 floating storage
(FSRU), 66 onshore facilities by 2025. Indonesia currently has only two FSRU
namely in Lampung and West Java, and an onshore regasification terminal in
Arun. Indonesia
plans to increase 9 FSRU in Banten, East Kalimantan, Ambon, Porong, Halmahera,
Pomala and cilacap. FSRU in Porong planned to have 1.5 million tons per year to
replace the FSRU Semarang. Porong FSRU will accommodate the supply of gas from
the gas fields belonging to Husky, Santos, Pertamina Hulu Energi and Energi
Mega Persada.will operate after 2020. While the
re-gasification terminal 14 at land planned to be built in 2016. Its location
in Karimun, Merauke, Ambon, Gorontalo, Kupang, Banjarmasin, Kendari, Pontianak,
Riau, terrain, Palu, Makassar, Lombok and Pomalaa.
Hendra Jaya: President Director Pertamina Gas |
Director of Pertamina Gas, Hendra Jaya planned in 2019 to build 7 units of regasification
terminal and 5 LNG plant. According to Hendra Jaya, it is a solution to a bad
distribution of gas, so that the distribution of gas from the gas fields could
soon reach customers. In addition, the gas producers do not sell their products
to other countries. Please you read about Job Opportunities in Oil & Gas Companies in this blog.
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